Source code for pygimli.frameworks.resolution

Methods to calculate the model resolution.

import numpy as np

import pygimli as pg

[docs]def computeR(J, C, alpha=0.5): r"""Return diagional of model resolution matrix. Calculates the formal model resolution matrix deterministically following: .. math:: \mathbf{R_m} = (\mathbf{J}^T\mathbf{D}^T\mathbf{D}\mathbf{J} + \alpha \mathbf{C}^T\mathbf{C})^{-1} \mathbf{J}^T\mathbf{D}^T\mathbf{D}\mathbf{J} .. note:: The current implementation assumes that :math:`\mathbf{D}` is the identitiy matrix, i.e. equal data weights. Parameters ---------- J : array Jacobian matrix. C : array Constraint matrix. alpha : float Regularization strength :math:`\alpha`. """ lin = pg.optImport("scipy.linalg", "Calculate model resolution matrices.") if lin: import scipy.sparse as sp from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix, csc_matrix from scipy.sparse.linalg import aslinearoperator, LinearOperator, lsqr JTJ = CM_inv = # Jsharp = lin.solve(JTJ + alpha * CM_inv, J.T) # R = np.diag( RM = lin.solve(JTJ + alpha * CM_inv, JTJ) R = np.diag(RM) return R
# # # self-made imports # import pygimli as g # from bert_tools import * # # #general imports # import numpy as np # from import loadmat # import scipy.linalg as lin # import scipy.sparse as sp # from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix, csc_matrix # from scipy.sparse.linalg import aslinearoperator, LinearOperator, lsqr # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # # def load_constraint_matrix(fname): # """ Load constraint matrix in sparse format """ # global mesh # i, j, data = np.loadtxt(fname, unpack=True, dtype=int) # C = coo_matrix((data, (i,j)), shape=(mesh.boundaryCount(), mesh.cellCount()), dtype=int) # return C # # def Rmult(x): # """ Performs matrix-vector multiplication y = R * x """ # global J # global C # global linop # r, s = C.shape # Jx = # Jxpad = np.hstack((Jx, np.zeros(r))) # y = lsqr(linop, Jxpad, atol=1.0e-4, iter_lim=5000, show=False) # return y[0] # # def diagestrand(dim): # """ # Diagonal estimation based on the algorithm of Bekas et al. (2007) # """ # global Rmult # # chi = 0.01 # stopping criterion (based on convergence tests) # d = np.zeros(dim) # t = d.copy() # q = d.copy() # norm = 999 # k = 0 # # while norm > chi: # # draw random vector from normal distribution # v = np.random.randn(dim) # t += Rmult(v) * v # q += v * v # d_k = t / q # # # evalute difference norm to check convergence # norm = np.linalg.norm(d - d_k) # d = d_k # k +=1 # # print "Stopped stochastic estimation after %d iterations with chi = %s." % (k, chi) # return d # # def compute_res(J, C, alpha=0.5): # """ # Determinisctic computation of model resolution """ # # print "Starting deterministic estimation of resolution diagonal..." # # JTJ = # CM_inv = # Jsharp = lin.solve(JTJ + alpha * CM_inv, J.T) # R = np.diag( # return R # # def compare_res(J, C, alpha=0.5): # """ Compare determinstic to stochastic resolution diagonal estimate """ # # R_det = compute_res(J, C, alpha) # R_est = diagestrand(J.shape[1]) # # fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,5)) # ax1 = fig.add_subplot(121) # ax1.plot(R_det, R_est, 'k.', alpha=0.5) # ax1.plot((0,1), 'k--') # plt.xlabel('Deterministic estimate of resolution diagonal') # plt.ylabel('Stochastic estimate of resolution diagonal') # plt.axis('scaled') # plt.xlim(0, R_det.max()+0.1) # plt.ylim(0, R_det.max()+0.1) # # ax2 = fig.add_subplot(122) # ax2.hist(R_det - R_est, 20, color='gray') # plt.xlabel('Deterministic - stochastic estimate of resolution diagonal') # plt.xlim(-0.15, 0.15) # plt.ylabel('Count') # plt.draw() # # # return fig # # if __name__ == '__main__': # alpha = 0.5 # mesh = g.Mesh('') # J = loadsens('sens.bmat') # C = load_constraint_matrix('constraint.matrix') # # p, q = J.shape # r, s = C.shape # linop = aslinearoperator(sp.vstack((J, C), 'csc')) # # fig = compare_res(J,C) # # # # #diagR = diagestrand(q, 256) # # # #ntimes = 3 # # #diags=np.zeros((ntimes, q)) # # #for k in range(ntimes): # ## use 256 random vectors for each estimate # #numcols=256; # #print 'iteration', k # # ## estimate the diagonal of r. # #diagr=diagestrand(q, numcols); # # ## store the estimate. # #diags[k,:] = diagr # # ## take median value. # #diagrest = np.median(diags, 0)