Source code for pygimli.physics.petro.velocity

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""For the manager look at BERT"""

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import pygimli as pg

# TODO Geertsma (1961) . Kompression vs. porosity
# TODO Gassmann's equation for fluid substitution
# TODO Raymer et. al. 1980 for different regions of porosity
# TODO (Han 1986, Tosaya & Nur 1982, Castagna et al. 1985) with clay content
# TODO Castagna et al. 1993 for saturated consolidated sediments
# TODO (Gardner et al. 1974) densities

[docs] def slownessWyllie(phi, sat=1, vm=4000, vw=1484, va=343, mesh=None, meshI=None, fill=None): r""" Return slowness :math:`s` after Wyllie time-average equation. .. math:: s = (1-\phi) \cdot\frac{1}{v_m} + \phi \cdot S \cdot\frac{1}{v_w} + \phi \cdot(1 - S) \cdot\frac{1}{v_a} * :math:`\phi` - porosity 0.0 --1.0 * :math:`S` - fluid saturation 0.0 --1.0 [sat] * :math:`v_m` - velocity of matrix [4000 m/s] * :math:`v_w` - velocity of water [1484 m/s] * :math:`v_a` - velocity of air [343 m/s] If mesh is not None the resulting values are calculated for each cell of the mesh. All parameter can be scalar, array of length mesh.cellCount() or callable(pg.cell). If meshI is not None the result is interpolated to meshI.cellCenters() and prolonged (if fill ==1). Examples -------- WRITEME """ if mesh is None: return 1./vm * (1.-phi) + 1./vw * phi * sat + 1./va * phi * (1. - sat) else: raise BaseException('TODO') if meshI: raise BaseException('TODO') if fill: raise BaseException('TODO')
def wyllie(phi, sat=1, vm=4000, vw=1600, va=330): """Return slowness after Wyllie time-average equation.""" return 1./vm * (1-phi) + phi * sat * 1./vw + phi * (1 - sat) * 1./va
[docs] def transFwdWylliePhi(sat=1, vm=4000, vw=1600, va=330): """Wyllie transformation function porosity(slowness).""" if va != 330 or sat != 1.0: raise BaseException('TODO') return pg.trans.TransLin(1./vw - 1./vm, 1./vm)
[docs] def transInvWylliePhi(sat=1, vm=4000, vw=1600, va=330): """Inverse Wyllie transformation function porosity(slowness).""" if va != 330 or sat != 1.0: raise BaseException('TODO') a1 = 1./vm b1 = 1./vw - 1./vm return pg.trans.TransLin(1./b1, -a1/b1)
[docs] def transFwdWyllieS(phi, vm=4000, vw=1600, va=330): """Wyllie transformation function slowness(saturation).""" if va != 330.0: print(va, "Air velocity is not 330.0 m/s") raise BaseException('TODO') return pg.trans.TransLin((1/vw-1./va)*phi, (1-phi)/vm+phi/va)
[docs] def transInvWyllieS(phi, vm=4000, vw=1600, va=330): """Inverse Wyllie transformation function slowness(saturation).""" a2 = 1./vm * (1 - phi) + phi * 1./va b2 = phi * (1./vw - 1./va) return pg.trans.TransLin(1./b2, -a2/b2)
def test_Wyllie(): """Test Wyllie and Transformations.""" import unittest phivec = np.arange(0, 0.5, 0.01) swvec = np.arange(0, 1, 0.01) phi0 = 0.4 tIWPhi = transInvWylliePhi() tIWS = transInvWyllieS(phi0) tFWPhi = transFwdWylliePhi() tFWS = transFwdWyllieS(phi0) ax = plt.subplots()[1] # direct function rA = wyllie(phivec) rS = wyllie(phi0, swvec) ax.semilogy(phivec, rA, 'b-') ax.semilogy(swvec, rS, 'r-') # forward transformation fA = tFWPhi.trans(phivec) fS = tFWS.trans(swvec) np.testing.assert_allclose(rA, fA, rtol=1e-12) np.testing.assert_allclose(rS, fS, rtol=1e-12) ax.semilogy(phivec, fA, 'bx', markersize=10) ax.semilogy(swvec, fS, 'rx', markersize=10) # inverse transformation iA = tIWPhi.invTrans(phivec) iS = tIWS.invTrans(swvec) np.testing.assert_allclose(rA, iA, rtol=1e-12) np.testing.assert_allclose(rS, iS, rtol=1e-12) ax.semilogy(phivec, iA, 'bo') ax.semilogy(swvec, iS, 'ro') if __name__ == "__main__": pass