Source code for pygimli.utils.streams

import pygimli as pg

[docs] def streamline(mesh, field, startCoord, dLengthSteps, dataMesh=None, maxSteps=1000, verbose=False, coords=(0, 1)): """Create a streamline from start coordinate and following a vector field in up and down direction. """ xd, yd, vd = streamlineDir(mesh, field, startCoord, dLengthSteps, dataMesh=dataMesh, maxSteps=maxSteps, down=True, verbose=verbose, coords=coords) c = mesh.findCell(startCoord) if c is not None: c.setValid(True) xu, yu, vu = streamlineDir(mesh, field, startCoord, dLengthSteps, dataMesh=dataMesh, maxSteps=maxSteps, down=False, verbose=verbose, coords=coords) return xd + xu[1:], yd + yu[1:], vd + vu[1:]
[docs] def streamlineDir(mesh, field, startCoord, dLengthSteps, dataMesh=None, maxSteps=150, down=True, verbose=False, coords=(0, 1)): """ down = -1, up = 1, both = 0 """ xd = [] yd = [] vd = [] pot = None vx = None vy = None isVectorData = False if isinstance(field, pg.PosVector): field = field.array() if hasattr(field[0], '__len__'): if abs(max(field[:, 0])) == 0 and abs(max(field[:, 1]) == 0): raise Exception("No data range streamline: min/max == ", min(field[:, 0])) vx = pg.Vector(field[:, 0]) vy = pg.Vector(field[:, 1]) isVectorData = True else: if min(field) == max(field): raise Exception("No scalar data range for any gradients " " to draw a streamline: min/max == ", min(field)) if dataMesh is not None: if len(field) == dataMesh.nodeCount(): pot = pg.Vector(field) elif len(field) == dataMesh.cellCount(): pot = pg.core.cellDataToPointData(dataMesh, field) else: print(len(field), dataMesh) raise Exception("Data length (%i) for streamline is " "neighter nodeCount (%i) nor cellCount (%i)" % (len(field), dataMesh.nodeCount(), dataMesh.nodeCount())) else: if len(field) == mesh.nodeCount(): pot = pg.Vector(field) elif len(field) == mesh.cellCount(): pot = pg.core.cellDataToPointData(mesh, field) else: print(len(field), dataMesh) raise Exception("Data length (%i) for streamline is " "neighter nodeCount (%i) nor cellCount (%i)" % (len(field), mesh.nodeCount(), mesh.nodeCount())) direction = 1 if down: direction = -1 # search downward pos = pg.RVector3(startCoord) c = mesh.findCell(startCoord) dLength = / dLengthSteps # stream line starting point if c is not None: xd.append(pos[coords[0]]) yd.append(pos[coords[1]]) vd.append(-1) lastC = c lastU = -direction * 1e99 d = None while c is not None and len(xd) < maxSteps: # valid .. temporary check if there is already a stream within the cell if not c.valid(): break if isVectorData: u = 0. if len(vx) == mesh.cellCount(): d = pg.RVector3(vx[], vy[]) elif len(vx) == mesh.nodeCount(): d = pg.RVector3(c.pot(pos, vx), c.pot(pos, vy)) elif dataMesh: cd = dataMesh.findCell(pos) if cd is None: raise Exception("Cannot find " + str(pos) + " dataMesh") if len(vx) == dataMesh.cellCount(): d = pg.RVector3(vx[], vy[]) elif len(vx) == dataMesh.nodeCount() and \ len(vy) == dataMesh.nodeCount(): d = pg.RVector3(cd.pot(pos, vx), cd.pot(pos, vy)) else: print(dataMesh, len(vx), len(vy)) raise Exception("data size wrong") else: print("mesh:", mesh, len(vx), len(vy)) raise Exception("Data length neighter node size or cell size.") else: if dataMesh: cd = dataMesh.findCell(pos) if not cd: break d = cd.grad(pos, pot) u = cd.pot(pos, pot) else: d = c.grad(pos, pot) u = c.pot(pos, pot) # always go u down dAbs = d.length() #print("cell:",, u, d, dAbs) if dAbs == 0.0: #print(d, "check this in streamlineDir(",) break if down: if u > lastU: break else: if u < lastU: break # * min(1.0, ((startCoord - pos).length())) pos += direction * d / dAbs * dLength c = mesh.findCell(pos, False) # Change cell here .. set old cell to be processed if c is not None: xd.append(pos[coords[0]]) yd.append(pos[coords[1]]) # set the stating value here if vd[0] == -1: vd[0] = dAbs vd.append(dAbs) ## check for degenerating stream if len(xd) > 2: pos0 = pg.Pos(xd[-3], yd[-3]) pos1 = pg.Pos(xd[-2], yd[-2]) pos2 = pg.Pos(xd[-1], yd[-1]) if (pos0.dist(pos2) < pos0.dist(pos1)): pg.debug('degenerating stream aborted') break # If the new cell is different from the current we move into the # new cell and make the last to be invalid .. # the last active contains a stream element if != lastC.setValid(False) lastC = c dLength = / dLengthSteps else: # There is no new cell .. the last active contains a stream element lastC.setValid(False) lastU = u if verbose: print(pos, u) # Stream line has stopped and the current cell (if there is one) .. # .. contains a stream element if c is not None: c.setValid(False) if down: xd.reverse(), yd.reverse(), vd.reverse() return xd, yd, vd